
What is We The Vote?

The fundamental purpose behind WeTheVote is to bring a sense of empowerment to a people that may be unsure of the voting process. The core goal behind WTV is to provide simplified learning material and references so that you, the American voter, can educate yourself on all things voting. We believe that all citizens of this great nation should have a voice. We The People, We The Vote. 

Why Should I Vote?

You've made it this far, so at least that means you're interested in the voting process! Now you've got questions, and luckily we've got all (ish) of the answers. If you're interested in learning about the whole process, click that little link below.

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Who & What Do
I Vote For? 

So you know you want to the problem is who and what to vote for. That's the great part of this country...YOU choose where your vote goes! We've got some learny-knowledge stuff for your brainmeat to help you decide for yourself

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Where Do I Vote?

Do I want to vote? Heck yes! Do I know who and what I want to vote for? Definitely! Do I know where to vote? Ye...oh, 

We've got you covered with all the US states and their voting processes.

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Why Should I Vote?

The heat of summer is slowly cooling, the foliage of autumn is starting to roll in, and that sweet, crisp smell is in the air...that glorious smell of election ballots! Okay, you're sitting here asking yourself ' Why am I here? Why should I even vote? ', right? The answer to that question is really quite simple, though....

Because AMERICA, that's why!


Really though, the answer to the fundamental question "Why?" is because you CAN. And not only can you vote, but you should vote. The very fabric of this beautiful chunk of grass and gravel we call home is based on your voice, and that voice is one that matters! A few hundred years ago our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, and in the years since, our voices have been ringing loud and clear. But in recent years, the process of voting has become, to many, over-complicated and undervalued. We hope to change that. 


Your Mind, Your Voice

Whether the issue is LGBTQ rights, immigration, foreign policy, education, or any of the other countless issues we face on a daily basis, every single one of us has an opinion. Your vote is the key way to express how you feel about the direction of our great nation.


Your Vote Matters

We're constantly told by those around us that just one vote can't make a difference, but that's dead wrong. There's great power in numbers, and there are millions of voices out there that share your views, but there are just as many that oppose it. Your vote shows that you stand for what you believe in.

The World Is Watching

There's a great big world outside of our borders, and they're watching and listening. The relationships we have with other nations of the world all come down to the people we put in office to best represent our voices. 

USA, The Next Generation

Listen, we're all adults here... We're gonna level with you. We really want our kids to grow up not with the same opportunities that we've had, but better. We're not saying children should get to vote, but we are saying that it is our votes that shape the future for the next gen.

Save The Trees!

Aside from the great men and women that populate our land, this nation is full of vast beauty, amazing creatures and incredible landscape. Environmental issues are a hot topic in politics, and your vote is one big way to express how you want our elected representatives to handle such an important topic.

Honoring The Past, Planning The Future

Whether you're a natural born citizen or you came here from far and distant lands, voting is the greatest way we can celebrate the men and women who founded this nation, fought for our Civil Liberties, and helped build the lives that we all share. Voting is an extremely powerful way of saying "thanks!"

Who & What Should I Vote For?

The fundamental purpose behind WeTheVote is to bring a sense of empowerment to a people that may be unsure of the voting process. The core goal behind WTV is to provide simplified learning material and references so that you, the American voter, can educate yourself on all things voting. We believe that all citizens of this great nation should have a voice. We The People, We The Vote. 


Like many democratic systems across the globe, the US political structure is split up between a handful of parties. Some of these parties are considered 'major parties' and have significantly more influence on our policies, while others—while equally as important in the eyes of many—are smaller. The purpose behind these parties lies behind the fact that we all have different backgrounds, opinions, and beliefs. The goal of a party is to capitalize on a core set of beliefs (IE. progressive, conservative, etc), and provide unified policies and candidates that best represent those beliefs. 

Other Parties

Where To Register









Washington, DC





















New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Puerto Rico

Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota







West Virginia




Get Involved!

We The Vote is currently operated by a very core team of individuals dedicated to bringing clarity to the voting process. While WTV is currently in it's infancy, we have high hopes that we can become a great resource for those looking to learn! If you're interested in growing with us, use the form below to send us a message!